"For each of us there is some mission in life if we but find it. All have some definite thing to do, something for which they have been created; and only the doing of this thing will justify their existence here on earth. If we come into the world and occupy space and time without giving back for this privilege, we have not justified ourselves, and our lives in the end are barren." ~ Hay

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Alkaline Water

Locating fresh clean water is getting as hard as finding fresh clean food.  Water is essential for health especially since our body is made up of 85 percent water.  It’s   needed to clean and flush our body of toxic waste matter that accumulates in our cells.  How many times have we read that it is beneficial to drink 8 glasses of water a day?   Yes, while it is important to drink water to hydrate the body, it is not necessary to flood the body with too much.  The most important time to drink water during the day is when you first wake up in the morning.  A slightly warmed mug of plain water will flush your bowels and hydrate your cells.  Please heat the water on the stove.  The microwave changes the molecules of the water, which changes the energy it provides to you.  Drinking water during the day, when thirsty or extra hot, is important.  Everyone is different so see what works for you.  Please reach for water to drink instead of fruit juices, sodas etc. 
Phoutain - Alkaline Water

A frequently asked question I often hear is what kind of water do you recommend?  Unfortunately, most of us cannot turn on the tap and just drink.  The reason is that most water has become contaminated due to run-off of fertilizers and chemicals that have seeped into aquifers.  My suggestion would be for you to review tested reports submitted by your local water company.  They are required to “spot” test and measure contaminates.   Also, you can have your water checked privately by independent companies.   To play it safe, a carbon-based filter system is a good idea.  At the very least, it will remove chlorine.  You can purchase a system that will attach to your kitchen sink and filter out contaminants at any local home improvement store. 

That said…I’m not comfortable drinking from the same water source unless, of course, I moved to the wilderness.  Additionally, I do not recommend drinking water out of plastic containers.  The plastic contains BPA which enters your system and disrupts your hormones. Besides, they are a huge waste!   For some variety, alkaline water stores are opening in many towns.  Phountain Water is the name of a store based out of Long Island which carries this type of water.   There you can buy gallons of alkaline water in glass bottles.  Alkaline water is higher in PH and therefore helps to keep the body in acid/alkaline balance.  When our body becomes too acidic (due to eating denatured foods, etc.) our energy levels can plummet and we can become prone to yeast, bacteria, germs and illness.  Whenever I am in the area, I refill my glass containers.  I do not drink it every day….like I said, I like a variety.  Look in your local yellow pages for an alkaline water store near you or, if on Long Island, visit Phountain Water: http://www.phountainhealth.com/ 


Christine Segal is a Certified Holistic Health Coach having studied at Integrative Nutrition. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Education. She hosts a weekly radio show on health and wellness on Freedomizer Radio called “WakeUP and Live.” Please visit her website at www.innerbeautyworkshops.com for more information. Christine works with clients in person or via telephone. Please write her for a consultation Christine@innerbeautyworkshops.com.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Risky Business

When was the last time you danced?  I don’t mean at your Cousin Vinnie’s wedding!  What  I mean is the last time you put on your favorite music, turned up the volume and let your spirit soar?  When was the last time you felt free?  Wouldn’t you like to forget about your responsibilities, stress and the everyday minor annoyances of life for just a little while?  It’s time to feed that inner child from within.  So take those old records off the shelf…..

Okay, you probably don’t still have your old record player.  The good news is technology has made it super easy to find just about any song you want to hear.  You can take your wireless laptop into any room and find just about any song on YouTube.   Dancing is very liberating. I must advise, however, to try this when nobody is home.  The reason is that I want you to feel uninhibited to express yourself without the judgment of others.  Dancing is a great way to burn extra calories while getting your heart rate up. Dancing will build up your strength, muscles and endurance.  You may find you get winded pretty quickly.  Pause and take some deep breaths.  Please do not overdo it.  You are probably not 20 anymore.  It is important to periodically monitor your pulse to make sure you are in range.  Dancing makes you feel grounded and centered and brings out the kid in you. Please don’t forget to do some warm-up stretches beforehand.  It is very easy to pull a muscle.  Again, you can find a wide array of warm-up exercises on YouTube.  Do you remember Jane Fonda?  All her exercise routines are on YouTube.  You have no excuses! 

Let's get physical!
Have fun and let foot loose.  It’s Risky Business, but someone has to do it!!


Christine Segal is a Certified Holistic Health Coach having studied at Integrative Nutrition.  She also holds a Master’s Degree in Education.  She hosts a weekly radio show on health and wellness on Freedomizer Radio called “WakeUP and Live.”  Please visit her website at www.innerbeautyworkshops.com for more information.  Christine works with clients in person or via telephone.  Please write her for a consultation  Christine@innerbeautyworkshops.com. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Why prevention is the best defense against the flu…

It’s that time of the year again.  No...I’m not referring to the holidays; I’m referring to the onslaught of signage and newspaper articles recommending a yearly flu shot.  Everywhere we look, we are bombarded with reminders to have that injection.  It insults my soul to see banners on the road advertising for this.  I cannot begin to describe how much this bothers me.  So much so, that I find myself knocking over signs whenever I am near them. 

Yes!  I knocked this one down!  And...I'm proud of it!

I decided to pay a visit to a Riteaid to find out what the ingredients were in the flu shot.  After all, why would anybody subject themselves to an injection not knowing what was in it?  I kindly asked the woman behind the counter and was handed a piece of paper from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Center for Disease Control and Prevention which discussed potential reactions to the flu shot, not the ingredients.  I kindly informed her that this does not list the ingredients.  She then handed me the package insert which also contained no list of ingredients.  I left disillusioned and decided to try CVS.

I approached the woman behind the counter and was again handed the Vaccine Information Sheet from the CDC.  I kindly told her that this does not contain the ingredients, can I please have a list of the ingredients.  She told me that the vaccine contained H1N1, H3N1 and BTexas 6 2011.  She then said rather uncomfortably, “If you are wondering whether or not the vaccine contains thimerosal, it has a trace.”  I then looked at her and said, “How can you give an injection when you have no idea what is in it?!”

Am I losing my mind!  What is wrong with people?  How can we be so trusting to allow someone to inject something into our bodies when THEY don’t even know what is in it?

Want to prevent the flu?  Build up your immune system!  It is important to stay away from sugar and processed foods that are laced with chemicals.  How can your body fight germs if it has to constantly work to rid itself of chemicals?  It is important this time of the year, if you live in a colder climate, to take Vitamin D3 supplementation.  To find out how much you need, ask your doctor to check your Vitamin D3 levels and suggest the dosage you should be on.  In addition, an extra dose of Vitamin C will help the body increase the number of infection-fighting white blood cells. 

Here are some home remedies that can help:  Lemon and honey, chamomile tea, peppermint tea, elderflowers, ginger, turmeric, probiotics or how about a bowl of homemade chicken broth.

Lastly, please get fresh air!  This is something you need to do year round.  Staying in an enclosed area for long periods of time is detrimental to your health.  Who cares if it is cold outside!  Suck it up and open your windows!

Enjoying super fresh air in Vermont!

Christine Segal offers workshops or telephone coaching. Please email Christine@innerbeautyworkshops.com for details.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Onion

The Onion
I bet you didn’t know that you are an onion.  You consist of layers and layers of conditioning that you have picked up since the day you were born.  By conditioning I am referring to the acceptance of other people’s viewpoints and opinions as your own.   These viewpoints come primarily from parents, close family relatives and friends.  However, we can also be conditioned by media in any shape or form.  These conditions shape our reality and it is what we believe to be true.  For example, we may have a parent who is a strong supporter of a political party, either Democrat or Republican.  As a child, we listened to that parent talk about political issues and, as a consequence, we identify ourselves with that party.  This is how we are conditioned to “think” like our parents.  This is especially true in the case of religion.  We are almost always identify ourselves with the religion that we grew up with.   There is no reason to listen to our instincts because it has been decided for us by our parents.   This is why we are all onions.

To discover our essence or our true self, we need to peel away the layers of conditioning that we have accumulated since childhood.  You may be wondering why we need to peel away anything.  Why not stay an onion.  If we stay an onion, our center or core is concealed.  Our true essence cannot shine from within.  In order to become our higher self, we must break through the conditioning and decide for ourselves who we are to become.

It's  messy job, but we must do it!
 It is an ongoing process to remove the layers of conditioning which involves opening our eyes to behaviors that we picked up when we were a child.  Take a good look at your parents.  Are there certain behaviors you “learned” from them and have become a part of you?  We mirror those that are the closest to us.  Here is an exercise you can do.  Look at one of your parents and write down something that bothers you about them.  For instance; my mother is always critical of me (something I often hear from my clients.)  Now write down what you would want them to be like.  For example, I would want my mother to be kinder to me and appreciate me the way I am.  Now look at your behavior.  Are you kind to those around you?  Do you appreciate people or take them for granted? Are you critical of yourself?  Do you put limitations on yourself?   Remember, life provides a mirror.  Can you see it?

This is how we peel an onion.  One layer at a time.   When we peel an onion, we most certainly will cry.  It can be painful at times, but it is a process in self-discovery and growth.  The more layers you peel away, the more you will become your most authentic self and the happier you will become.  After all, happiness comes from within.
At the center, you will shine!

Christine Segal offers workshops or telephone coaching. Please email Christine@innerbeautyworkshops.com for details.





Monday, October 1, 2012


Sunday should be a day we rest.  By spending some quiet time whether walking in nature, reading or doing something we enjoy, we charge our batteries for the work week.  Most people go days on end without taking a break to just sit, relax and enjoy the sunshine.  I am one of those people.  I am the energizer bunny.  This past weekend I was in New York City for an Integrative Nutrition Conference.  It was inspiring and informative and I left with the feeling that I needed to spend more time on me so I can go out into the world and do what I have to do with my energy intact.  Therefore, I am going to structure my Sundays in a way that both sets me up and relaxes me for the week ahead.  Please feel free to follow along as I make these three adjustments.

1.      Sunday morning write out what goals you have for the week or the things that must get done by the following Saturday.  Do not start working on them; just have them handy and ready to go.  On the top of page, write Monday’s date.  Place them by your desk or write them in a planner that you can keep with you for easy reference.

2.      Plan your meals for the week.  Make a list of what you will eat for each meal.  For instance, Monday for breakfast oatmeal, orange juice and a banana.  Tuesday for breakfast eggs and toast.  Once you make the list, write a separate list of the ingredients you need to purchase or have on hand to cook those items.  How many times do we leave a store and realize we forgot something?  By planning your meals, you will know what you are eating and what you need to purchase for the week.  You can also designate a shopping day and a day to cook for more advanced planning.

3.      Now that you have your week organized, REST!  Do something you enjoy for the remainder of the day. 

When you wake up on Monday, you will know what you have to do and what you will be eating for the entire week.  You will also be relaxed, charged and ready to conquer the items on your list.  Try it and let me know how it works for you!

Feeling Energized

*I apologize for the late blog article .  I am in the process of replacing my computer.  As of now, I have no printer and no way to get my photos online.  Hopefully, I will be back to speed sometime this week. 


Christine Segal offers workshops or telephone coaching.  Please email Christine@innerbeautyworkshops.com for details.