"For each of us there is some mission in life if we but find it. All have some definite thing to do, something for which they have been created; and only the doing of this thing will justify their existence here on earth. If we come into the world and occupy space and time without giving back for this privilege, we have not justified ourselves, and our lives in the end are barren." ~ Hay

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Obesity Story…

America is the midst of an obesity epidemic.  Last week, a report was released “predicting” that by the year 2030, 1 out of 2 adults will be classified as obese.  This is very alarming!  Have you ever heard of the term “false alarm?”  That is what I am calling this report.  It is my hope that Americans will wake up to the fact that our food is not the same as yesteryear and make healthier choices for themselves and their family.   We must LEARN HOW TO READ LABELS to avoid harmful substances that have been placed in our foods and called “preservatives” and so forth. 
We live in an information age society.  No longer do you need to go the library and look up information in the card catalog.  Information can now be found at your fingertips in the convenience of your own home.  There is no reason why you should take something you read at “face-value.”  When in doubt, look it up!  Learning to listen to your own instincts is crucial to solving the obesity epidemic.  If you read that something is good for you and your instincts tell you that it isn’t, then don’t eat or drink it…it’s that simple! 
In order to be healthy, start reading labels and don’t put anything into your mouth that you do not recognize as food such as polyvinylpyrrolidone.  Shop at local markets for the freshest, organically grown and nutrient dense foods or better yet join a CSA. (Community Supported Agriculture) 
Eating can be very emotional and can be used as a substitute for happiness.  It is important to recognize that food cannot change your marital status or change the job you do not like.  It’s YOU that needs to change those things by loving and appreciating yourself for who you are.  Nobody is perfect.  It is YOU who creates your future by the choices you make.   
If you need help reaching your health goals, please enlist in the services of a Health Coach who can gently guide you along that path. 

We can change the world one person at a time as we learn how to take care of our body so our mind can remain clear and focused on becoming part of the solution to the problems that have engulfed us.  Darkness cannot survive if there is light…not even the light from one single match.  The world needs your contribution!

I am available for in person or telephone coaching.  Please email:  christine@innerbeautyworkshops.com for more information.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

On the Radio!

I am happy to announce this week that I am coming to the airwaves!  Beginning on Friday, September 21st at 3:00 pm I will be hosting a weekly radio show on the Freedomizer network.  (http://www.freedomizerradio.com/)  Freedomizer Radio is a station that promotes awareness in the political and corporate world; how these two entities affect our world.

My radio show, which will be broadcast for 90 minutes, will be called “Wake Up and Live.”  “Rise to the new you through awareness of the world around you.”  My program will focus on becoming your best self by understanding the body’s nutritional needs and understanding the soul’s need for wisdom.  I will teach you how to use your own intuition to cipher through mainstream information on health and wellness.  My program will keep you up-to-date on newly released so called “scientific studies” and how to interpret them for your best use.  In addition, I will feature weekly guests who bring their expertise to the table.
You can listen to my broadcast “live” by visiting Freedomizer radio and finding the link.   I will post a link of each show after my weekly blog posts in order for you to listen at your own convenience.  One of the best ways to “multi-task” is to play my broadcasts while you cook dinner or fold the laundry.  It will turn mundane tasks into enjoyment as your mind can escape into the world of healthy living.  It is my hope that my radio program will motivate you to set goals and take action steps toward those goals.  Your participation is the only way significant change can occur in the world. 

I am available for in person or telephone coaching.  Please email:  christine@innerbeautyworkshops.com for more information.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Life is Precious

As one becomes a more spiritual being, things that never bothered you begin affect your brain at a conscious level.  Your picture of reality begins to slowly change as you look at life differently.  Your eyes are the same but the vision is different.  The life you are living just doesn’t feel the same anymore.  People appear different, your job appears different even the Earth appears like you have never seen it before.  Things you didn’t pay much attention to in the past, now command your attention.  Life on Earth is much more precious.
I was driving my car on the highway the other day and noticed that stuck to my side view mirror was a cricket.  The poor thing was holding on for dear life.  I was amazed that it didn’t fall off.  As I was watching it, I thought…”What am I doing?”  I pulled the car off the side of the road, took a newspaper and gently helped the cricket down to safe ground.   I’m ashamed to say, old me would have just kept driving.  I felt a sense of peace when I helped that cricket.  Why isn’t that cricket’s life as precious as my own?
The same holds true for the animals that are being raised to feed us in factory farms.  These poor animals are not fed the proper foods, left in confined areas where they do not see the light of day and have no freedom of movement.  These are still living beings.  Why isn’t their life considered precious?  Why do we allow such treatment of animals?  Are we really that hungry?   These animals feel pain just like we do.  Aren’t these animals’ lives as precious as our own?

Our forests are being cleared because we need the land to raise the cattle that are not being treated properly.  Aren’t these trees precious?   Do you know if you play classical music around a plant it will respond by growing faster and stronger?  The benefit of which is more oxygen so we can breathe cleaner/fresher air.  Can’t you see that their life is as precious as your own?

When we blast tons of chemicals underground into our soils to extract natural gas, we are disturbing ecosystems in the soil.  Is the extracting of natural gas that important especially when there are alternative energy forms?  Why do we not value the life forms that exist under our own feet?  Aren’t they precious?
 Life in any form is precious.  If you can see that it is, you are evolving.  After all, (evol)ve = love.

Please visit my website at www.innerbeautyworkshops.com for further information on my coaching program or call (631) 355-9442 to set up an appointment for a coaching session.