"For each of us there is some mission in life if we but find it. All have some definite thing to do, something for which they have been created; and only the doing of this thing will justify their existence here on earth. If we come into the world and occupy space and time without giving back for this privilege, we have not justified ourselves, and our lives in the end are barren." ~ Hay

Thursday, June 30, 2011


“Every time a Shaman dies, it is as if a library burned down.”
I hope you will join me in reading, Tales Of A Shaman’s Apprentice, by Mark J. Plotkin, PHD.  Dr. Plotkin goes to the Amazon Rainforest in search of plants with medicinal value.  This book discusses his interaction with the indigenous people and the study of their culture before western culture bemoans them.  On Dr. Plotkin’s first trip in the early 1980’s, he is greeted by men wearing loin cloths.  During his last trip in the 1990’s he is greeted by the same men but they are now wearing Levi’s.  That transformation was brought about by the pharmaceutical  industry, who paid for some of Plotkin’s trips and research.  Interesting.....


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Friday, June 24, 2011

Meet Chrys Argeropoulos – Lost 25lbs on the Inner Beauty Workshops Program

I am so excited about my Inner Beauty Workshops program.  I touch upon such a diverse spectrum of topics during the 20 week educational program.   The result is complete lifestyle change encompassing body, mind and spirit.  I enjoy seeing the weekly metamorphosis of my clients as they come to each workshop.  The transformation is incredible to watch.  I honestly have the best job in the world!  I also have the best program in the world!  It is a rich comprehensive program full of wonderful and practical information.  If you are looking for something that truly works and are ready for change, please sign up for my workshops.
 Chrys is my first client to finish all 20 weeks.  I am so proud of her progress, commitment, hard work and determination to make changes her life.  She is happier than she has been in years and her outlook on life has completely changed.  She will never go back to that person she was when she came to me in January.  In fact, she will keep progressing and moving forward and ultimately reach all her goals.  Chrys lost 25lbs by doing it the right way, without dieting.  I am proud to no longer call Chrys my client.  She is now my friend.  See her remarkable before and after photos.
Chrys - Before (January 24, 2011)
Chrys - After (June 21, 2011)

Here’s what Chrys had to say about my program:

“I am so excited to be a “graduate” of Christine Segal’s Inner Beauty Workshops.  Christine has taught me so much about living a cleaner, healthier life, including freedom of GMO’s, chemicals, hormones and toxins.  I have grown in so many areas of my life in such a short period of time.  As a result, I have shed 25 unwanted pounds…without dieting!
I recommend Christine’s 20 week program for anyone looking for a positive lifestyle change.  Thank you Chrissy for believing in me and sharing all your great knowledge.  I am forever grateful to you”

                                                    Chrys Argeropoulos

Chrys - After (June 21, 2011)


So Proud of Her!!

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Eating is an Art. Not a Science: Powerful Thoughts. Read at your own Risk….

As I sit to write this blog piece, I feel a burning light in my heart.  What I am about to share with you is coming from deep within my soul.  Please allow me some musings on the topic of eating and how it relates to health.  Benjamin Franklin writes that only one percent of humanity is capable of independent thought.  I place myself within that 1 percent.  This is why I’m frequently told that I’m crazy or nuts.  However, being placed in that category gives me certain privileges and allows me to not only teach but express my views as competently and delicately as I can.  I try and accomplish this in a light-hearted and creative way.  However, sometimes I need to be blunt.  Sometimes, I need to just come out and say exactly how I see things, especially while my right to Freedom of Speech is still protected by the First Amendment.  
We need to change the way we look at food.  Eating is an art!  Food is meant to nourish, grow, regenerate, mold, sculpt and create the body.  Food it not meant to be dissected, analyzed and put under a microscope.  The food provided by nature needs no microscope.  We must realize that we eat to fuel our body.  We eat to replenish our body.  We eat to nourish our body.  We eat to keep our body working well.  We eat for health!!  This is the prime reason we eat.  We do not eat because something tastes good.  We do not eat because everybody else is eating the same thing.  We do not eat because it’s cheap.  We do not eat because it is quick and we don’t have the time.  We do not eat because the latest scientific study claims that it is good for us.  We eat for health only!  Nature has provided us what we need to eat and maintain health.  We only need to listen to nature.
I am flabbergasted when I go to a conventional grocery store and see what people have in their carts.  I am additionally saddened to see small children sucking on candies full of food dyes and additives.  I feel like tapping the parent on the shoulder and saying, “Excuse me.  Have you read any of these labels?”  So course, I bite my tongue and suffer in silence.  It’s very hard to watch people continuously poison themselves and their children.  I’m reading the book, “A New Health Era” by William Howard Hay, MD.  This paragraph particularly struck me:
“If we know someone is to be killed and do not warn him, we are guilty of his murder; accessories before the fact; and when we know that our friends, acquaintances, neighbors are so living as to cause early decline and ultimately early death, and yet we do nothing to avert these two calamities, we are again accessories before a slow murder that is none the less sure than the revolver or the knife.”

This paragraph completely changed my outlook.  No more biting my tongue for me.  I don’t want to have your blood on my hands.  I am releasing a new animal.  Watch out!  If you know what’s going on with our food supply, it is your obligation to speak up as well.  Collectively, we can make a huge difference.  Here are some additional thoughts….
One of the excuses I frequently hear from people is, “I don’t eat/drink this that often.  I eat in moderation.”  So what you’re saying is if you only drink diet soda say twice a month, it is okay.  So I say, “instead of not poisoning yourself at all, you are poisoning yourself twice a month!”  How much more evidence can you read before you acknowledge that artificial sweeteners are poison?  Actually, we don’t need to examine it under a microscope or wait for the latest double blind study.  Did it come from nature?  Nope!  Common sense tells us, it’s a poison! We do not eat poison!  And, like this or not, if you are knowingly poisoning yourself, whether over a short or long period of time, you are committing suicide.  Yep…..you read that right.  Once you know something is bad for you and are still eating or drinking it, even in moderation, you are committing a slow suicide.  These are strong words.  I told you to read at your own risk.  The primary purpose of food is to nourish the body.  We must make better choices if we want to live a long, healthy life.  We must not use the “moderation” excuse as justification for doing something that we know is bad for us.  We live in an extremely poisoned world.  We must learn how to live healthily in it!
Every time you eat or drink something, even in moderation, I want you to say to yourself, “Will this nourish my body or will this poison my body.”  I want you to remember that eating is an art.  Ask yourself, will this food contribute to my overall health and longevity or will this food contribute to my decline.  The choice is up to you………..

Hay, William Howard, M.D., “A New Health Era,” Stelz Company: New York, 1933

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cotton: The Fabric Of Our Lives

“The look, the feel of cotton, the fabric of our lives.”  If this statement is true, where is it?  Why has cotton been replaced by synthetic fabrics such as modal, polyester, viscose, acrylic and nylon?  Today, all I see is rows of beautiful clothing made of these synthetic fabrics.  Cotton is getting just as hard to find as something made in the U.S.A. It is almost impossible to find an article of clothing that is made of cotton and manufactured in the United States. Talk about trying to find a needle in a haystack…or is it like finding a goose that lays a golden egg?  Unfortunately, there are health complications from not wearing natural fibers such as cotton.  Until the 20th century, all clothes were made of natural fibers…what happened?
I talked with Joann Maguire, who owns a women’s clothing store called Max & Millie in Port Jefferson, New York.  Ms. Maguire explained to me that the sweat shops in the United States are unionized.  The unions demand a certain wage for its members.  It is much cheaper to have items produced in other countries because manufacturers don’t have to pay such high wages.  She further explained that the American consumer wants items cheap.  So this is what manufacturers need to do to keep the prices down, exported labor.  To further satisfy the cheap American consumer, articles of clothing are made of synthetics because the fabric is cheaper than natural fabrics and it has the added benefits of not shrinking, wrinkling or stretching.  Now we lazy Americans don’t have to worry about ironing!  Even if you can find say a shirt today made of cotton, it is usually grown with heavy duty pesticides.  Organic cotton is great….if you can find it. 
We dress for warmth, for comfort and for style.  But because we like to dress for cheap, we are smothering our skin in fabrics that do not allow our skin to breathe.  Our bodies need light as well as air.  Synthetic fabrics do not allow our body to perform its ordinary and necessary detox functions.   Putting on an item that is made of synthetic fabrics is like putting on a bullet proof vest.  It doesn’t allow penetration.   One should wear no more clothing than is necessary and should be of a type that permits easy access of air to the skin.   Cotton and linen are made from natural plant fibers.  They are porous and allow air to circulate around the body.  Silk, which is made from a fine web spun by a caterpillar is another good breathable fabric.  Leather has always been a great choice for footwear.  It is also porous and molds to the foot allowing it to breathe.  Today, it’s getting harder and harder to find that nice pair of leather shoes.  Most shoes are made of “man made” materials.  Seriously, we need to pay a little more money for our clothes and bring back natural fibers.
I visited White House/Black Market to see if I could find a nice summer cotton dress.  They have the most beautiful dresses.  I just love whoever designs their clothes.  However, over 90 percent of the fabric in this store is synthetic.  What a complete disappointment!  Why can’t they make the same designs in cotton?  I would pay a bit more so my skin can breathe.  Did you ever try wearing a 100 percent polyester dress in 100 degree weather?....YUCK!

Beautiful polyester dress - White Houe/Black Market

Beautiful polyester dress - White/House Black Market

 I did find this beautiful dress…..97 percent cotton, 3 percent spandex.  Not a bad choice.

Not bad....White House/Black Market

Over 50 percent of Ms. Maguire’s store (Max & Millie) is made in the U.S.A.  She says, “Having clothing made in the U.S.A. is very important to me.”  In addition, most of the clothes in her store are made of cotton or a natural fiber.
Look at these beautiful summer dresses that are 100 percent cotton, made in India.

Beautiful 100 percent cotton dress - Max & Millie

Beautiful 100 percent cotton dress - Max & Millie

I found it!!  In this picture is a tank top that was made in the U.S.A. and is 100 percent cotton!  I get a gold star!!

Love this!  Made in the U.S.A. and 100 percent cotton

I am always stressing how important it is to read the label of what you are eating.  I am now stressing that it is equally important to read the label to what you are wearing.  Cotton feels great against your skin and allows the light rays of the sun to penetrate.  I would love to see organic cotton clothing more mainstream.
I can enjoy the heat!!

Macfadden, Bernarr, 1928, MacFadden’s Encyclopedia of Physical Culture, MacFadden Publications, Inc, New York

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Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have a friend who likes to boast that she goes right from heat to air conditioning.   She rarely opens her windows.  According to her, her family is either too hot or too cold.  Likewise, I have many friends in Florida who are always in air conditioning.  It’s on in their homes, cars, businesses and the establishments they patronize.   Well, I’m here to write…..”OPEN YOUR DAMN WINDOWS.”   I would use a stronger word than damn, but I’m too ladylike.
Breathing pure air is just as important as eating pure food.   We breathe so our bodies can inhale oxygen and, at the same time, exhale waste matter from our blood, carbon dioxide.  In other words, we are eliminating impurities from the blood and revitalizing our blood with oxygen.   Every cell in our body needs the oxygen provided by breathing.  In addition, breathing warms the body as well as converts the food that has been digested by the stomach into the blood for use throughout the body.  For these reasons it is imperative that we breathe clean, fresh air.
The air in our homes, cars and businesses is worse than ever.  Because of the chemicals used today in just about every household item, our indoor air is severely compromised.   Just think about it.  Our carpets and furniture, paints, building materials, synthetic fabrics all have VOC’s also known as volatile organic compounds which off-gas pollutants and chemicals.  Our mattresses have chemical flame retardants.  Even new kitchen cabinets are laced with formaldehyde.  The news gets worse.  I haven’t even mentioned the usual household culprits such as dust, pollen and mold.   Throw these in the mix and what you have is ILLNESS.  Seriously, if you breathe these pollutants for hours on end without any fresh air, you will get sick.  This is why you must, “OPEN YOUR DAMN WINDOWS.”  I have one more point to make about indoor air…
As you know, you are exhaling carbon dioxide every time you breathe.  Did you know that it’s not a good idea to breathe another person’s breath?  We should not take in the waste matter which someone else has just breathed out.  When you are in a room with no windows open, you are breathing everyone’s exhaled air.  This means that the air in sealed establishments such as theatres, stores, schools, cars and your own home is very unhealthy.  There is a simple remedy, and it’s free, “OPEN YOUR DAMN WINDOWS!”
It is important that both children and adults have fresh air during the day and during the night…..YEAR-ROUND!  Yes, this means even if it is super hot or super cold out.  No bedroom will be healthy unless you sleep with a window open.  In fact, my neighbor, who is 80 years old, said she learned when she was in school that the windows in the bedroom should always be kept open at least 2 inches, even in the winter!  Okay, this picture is a little extreme, but you get the point….

NATURE IS COOL!  Did you wonder why if everyone is exhaling bad air, how come the air outside is not bad.  Well, our oceans, seas, lakes, deserts and mountains play an important role in purifying the atmosphere.  Here is a great explanation from Macfadden’s Encyclopedia, “The winds scatter the poisonous gases, the dust, and other injurious substances held in suspension in the atmosphere, where population is congested, and carries them out to sea or into the vast spaces of the desert.  There the dust settles and by the free and undisturbed action of the sun the poisons are eliminated.”  Hence, the wind is nature’s scavenger helping to remove the impurities in the atmosphere produced by us and substituting pure fresh air for you and me to breathe.  As a side note, this is why it is imperative we do not poison our air, water, deserts and mountains because we need them to survive.
I’m sure I will get some complaints about this post but….., but……., but……  I don’t want to hear any buts.  (I’m putting my hands over my ears.)  Do some further research on the topic and see what conclusions you come up with.  We are meant to breathe fresh, pure outdoor air, not chemically infested indoor air.  “OPEN YOUR DAMN WINDOWS!”

**Some of the information I have gathered for this blog post are from “old” books.  The information presented from these books is not “out-of-date,” but rather just “lost.”


E/The Environmental Magazine, 2005 Green Living: Penguin Group, New York
Ivison, Blakeman, and Company, 1889, Physiology and Health, New York and Chicago
Macfadden, Bernarr, 1928, MacFadden’s Encyclopedia of Physical Culture, MacFadden Publications, Inc, New York